• 尊龙凯时·(中国区)人生就是搏!

    Trina Solar's Statement on the U.S. Department of Commerce Anti-Circumvention Investigation

    United States

    Recently, the U.S. Department of Commerce has decided to initiate an anti-circumvention investigation against modules made in four Southeast Asian countries -- Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam and Cambodia -- and imported to the US. The production sites&nbsp;are alleged to have been set up in order to evade U.S. anti-dumping duty (AD) and countervailing duty (CVD), despite of the fact that through years of litigation at CIT, the production process from wafer to cells has been determined to be substantial and not minor.</p>

    Field tests demonstrate Trina Solar 210mm Vertex modules' higher energy yield

    United States

    In the trend toward carbon neutralization, vigorously developing new energy has become common. 210 Vertex modules with high power, high efficiency, high reliability and high power output are the best solutions in distributed rooftops and utility scenarios.&nbsp;</p>
