1. 尊龙凯时·(中国区)人生就是搏!

      MA/Conference hears of Trina Solar's clean-power prowess


      The Belt and Road Initiative offers crucial support for Chinese companies going aboard, and Trina Solar has responded to the initiative through numerous exchanges and partnerships, says Colin Yang, chief branding officer of Trina Solar.</p>

      MA/Trina Solar releases Corporate Social Responsibility 2018 report



      MA/Trina Solar honoured as world’s first UL 61730-certified witness test laboratory


      Trina Solar's State Key Laboratory PV Testing Centre has been certified as a witness test laboratory under the UL 61730 Witness Testing Data Program , awarded by the global product safety testing and certification authority UL. This makes it the world’s first UL 61730-certified witness test laboratory for PV products.</p>

      MA/Trina Solar IBC cells help Osaka Sangyo University's solar car take first in the "Dream Class" at the 2019 FIA Suzuka Solar Race


      Trina Solar Co., Ltd ("Trina Solar" or the "company"), the world leading global PV and smart energy total solution provider, announced that the Osaka Sangyo University ("OSU") Solar Car Team's solar car, the "OSU-Model-S", which is equipped with Trina Solar's Interdigitated Back Contact (IBC) cells and modules, came in first place in the category of "Dream Class" at the 2019 FIA Electric and New Energies Championship Solar Car Race (the "FIA Suzuka Solar Race"), held at the Suzuki International Racing Circuit in Japan.</p>

      MA/Trina Solar selected among Top 500 Chinese Companies by Patent


      The inaugural list of Top 500 Chinese Companies by Patent has been announced, with Trina Solar taking pride of place among them.</p>

      MA/Trina Solar has been recognized as a top bankable module supplier, four times in a row


      Trina Solar has received a top rating in the latest annual module and inverter bankability report issued by Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF). With this report, Trina Solar is now the only module manufacturer to be rated as fully bankable for four consecutive years by 100% of the experts participating in the BNEF survey.</p>

      MA/Trina Solar CBO Colin Yang attends fifth China-Japan Dialogue for Entrepreneurs and Former Senior Officials


      On 10-11 July 2019, the fifth round of the China-Japan Dialogue for Entrepreneurs and Former Senior Officials was held in Tokyo. Trina Solar has taken part in the dialogue in each of its five years. Colin Yang, chief branding officer of Trina Solar, and Weng Yin, deputy director and sales director of Trina Solar Japan, were invited to represent the company at this round, and talked of their experience and insights on driving growth through innovation, balancing environmental and social development, and Sino-Japanese collaboration in third markets.</p>
