• 尊龙凯时·(中国区)人生就是搏!

    MA/Withstanding a Category 4 hurricane, Trina Solar's 670W module shows its mettle


    After passing advanced serial load tests including for non-uniform snow-load and 20,000 cycles of dynamic mechanical load, Trina Solar's 210mm Vertex 670W module has passed the extreme wind tunnel test. The result further confirms that ultra-high-power modules can maintain their outstanding performance even when subject to extreme weather.</p>

    Trina Solar, with the third-party authoritative organization CGC (China General Certification), conducted the wind tunnel test on the 210mm Vertex 670W dual-glass module (2.384×1.303m) .</p>

    MA/Trina Solar sets new world record of production 210 PERC cell with efficiency reaching 23.56%


    Trina Solar’s State Key Laboratory of PV Science and Technology (SKL PVST) announced its proprietary <strong>industrial larger-area </strong>210mm×210mm high-efficiency PERC solar cell in mass production<strong>, has achieved the efficiency of 23.56%, setting a new record for 210 P-type monocrystalline silicon PERC cells. This is independently confirmed by the third party National Center of Supervision and Inspection on Solar Photovoltaic Product Quality (CPVT).</strong></p>

    MA/Trina Solar brings green power to rural Cambodia school


    Trina Solar recently completed an off-grid PV power generation project in Cambodia, bringing clean power to a local school.</p>

    MA/TrinaTracker’s high efficiency in a harsh environment is verified in the world’s first long-distance clean energy transmission project


    CHANGZHOU, China, August 10, 2021, TrinaTracker, a leading tracker manufacturer and business unit of Trina Solar Co.,&nbsp;Ltd, has demonstrated for almost one year its stable and efficient operation in the ±800 kV&nbsp;UHV DC Power Transmission Project in&nbsp;Qinghai-Henan, China.</p>

    MA/Trina Solar 210 Vertex modules provides backbone for 60MWp solar farm in Singapore, one of world’s largest inland floating solar PV systems


    Changzhou, China, July XX – The 60 MWp Sembcorp Tengeh Floating Solar Farm at Singapore’s Tengeh Reservoir fitted with 122,000 Trina Solar 210 Vertex dual-glass modules, has officially opened in July 2021. Owned by Sembcorp Floating Solar Singapore, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Sembcorp Industries, the Farm is a global showcase of excellent operational performance, innovation and reliability in floating solar photovoltaic (PV) systems. Construction of the project began in August last year.</p>

    MA/Trina Solar ships 600W+ series Vertex modules for a 850 MWp PV project , one of the largest in Brazil


    Trina Solar is the major vendor of photovoltaic modules for the Futura 1 Project, a project with 22 solar energy parks, which is being developed by Focus Energia, in Juazeiro, Bahia, Brazil.&nbsp;</p>

    The project will be implemented in three phases. The first phase has an installed capacity of 850 MWp, which places the project among the largest in Brazil, at the moment.</p>

    MA/Leadership, innovation, sustainability: Trina Solar publishes its 2019-2020 CSR report


    Trina Solar has recently published its 2019-20 report on corporate social responsibility. The report, covering two years, is highly comprehensive, prepared in line with the GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards 2018 issued by the Global Sustainability Standards Board. It details the company’s many practices and achievements in relation to CSR and sustainability, such as corporate governance, technology leadership, product innovation, green sustainable development, contributing to society and responding to COVID-19.</p>
