
Trina Storage delivers 50MWh energy storage system for an integrated Fishery-Solar-Storage project

Fishery Solar Storage System
United States

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<a href="/us/http://www.dlboat.com/en-glb/trina-storage" target="_blank">Trina Storage</a>, a global leader in energy storage products and&nbsp;solutions, is proud to announce that it has delivered a fully integrated 50MWh energy storage system for a hybrid fishery-solar-storage project in Tianmen, Hubei province, China. The project, now successfully connected to the grid, has a PV installed capacity of 400MW and is further supported by this energy storage system.</p>

Trina Solar’s cumulative shipments of 210mm modules surpass 90GW

United States

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Trina Solar has reported revenue of $11.58 billion (RMB 81.12 billion) in the first three quarters of 2023, 31.22 percent more than in the corresponding period last year. The company’s report, that was made public on October 27, also showed that Trina Solar continues to lead the industry with 45-46GW modules shipments, ranking second globally and 5.6GW trackers and fixed tilt racks deliveries for the first three quarters.&nbsp;</p>

Trina Solar: By the Numbers

United States

3rd Quarter Report of 2023
