• 尊龙凯时·(中国区)人生就是搏!

    AP/Trina Solar Has Been Recognized As A Top Bankable Module Supplier, Four Times In A Row


    Trina Solar, the world leading global PV and smart energy total solution provider, has received a top rating in the latest annual module and inverter bankability report issued by Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF). With this report, Trina Solar is now the only module manufacturer to be rated as fully bankable for four consecutive years by 100% of the experts participating in the BNEF survey.</p>

    AP/Trina Solar Power Warranty Update


    Dear valued customer,</p>

    As part of Trinasolar’s continuous efforts to offer you the best solar modules on the market, we would like to inform you of the following changes to Trinasolar Product offering.</p>

    AP/Trina Solar Recognized as “Top Performer” Module Manufacturer by PVEL/DNV GL, Fifth Time in A Row


    Trina Solar, the world leading global PV and smart energy total solution provider, was recently been recognized as the "Top Performer" among global PV module manufacturers by PV Evolution Labs (PVEL) and DNV GL. The company is one of only two PV module manufacturers with worldwide reach to garner the prestigious recognition for the fifth consecutive time since the Top Performer award was founded.</p>

    AP/Trina Solar Launches N-type I-TOPCon Double-glass Bifacial Modules


    Trina Solar, the world leading global PV and smart energy total solution provider, recently announced that it has begun mass production of N-type i-TOPCon double-glass bifacial modules. The best front side power output of a module with 144 half-cut i-TOPCon cells reaches 425 Wp, and the best module efficiency reaches 20.7%.</p>

    AP/Trina Solar Signs MOU with Thai Solar Energy


    SHANGHAI (6 June, 2019) - Trina Solar, the world leading global PV and smart energy total solution provider, signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) today with Thai Solar Energy for the development of a solar plant in Onikobe, Japan.</p>

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